About Us
At The Denture Center, we know you have a lot of choices...
At The Denture Center, we know you have a lot of choices when it comes to your ongoing oral health. That’s why we work hard every day to deliver those patients who choose us the highest standard of care through innovative technology and quality patient-first processes. Keep reading, or call today to book a consultation, to learn more about what sets The Denture Center apart.
Strong teamwork produces the best results in oral healthcare. The Denture Center takes a collaborative approach to treating patients, forming a comprehensive dental team including your existing dentist and oral surgeon. The Denture Center collaborates every day with trusted oral health professionals all over Ontario, including those you already know and trust. This approach ensures every treatment option is considered, and your denturist has as much information as possible about your unique situation.
What makes The Denture Center unique? Strong, long-term relationship with world-class, global manufacturers and suppliers across the dental industry. The Denture Center team stay at the forefront of the removable prosthetics field by speaking and sharing information every day with material sciences companies, dental imaging software firms, and advanced CADCAM technology operations. These relationships mean The Denture Center often has access to exciting new treatments and products before anybody else in the region.
All dentures are not created equally: Just because your new teeth are “false” doesn’t mean they need to look, fit, or feel false. A state-of-the-art oral prosthesis made by a skilled clinician can look so natural, not even your friends and family will know it’s a denture, and feel so comfortable, even you will forget. Whether you need a full, partial or implant denture, you can have more than a new set of artificial teeth: You can have a one-of-a-kind new smile!
“The way it’s always been done” is rarely the best way to solve a problem. Today, denturism is a sophisticated, technologically advanced field, and The Denture Center team continues to push the envelope to offer its patients state-of-the-art solutions. For example, the Denture Centre was one of the first clinics in the world to trial sophisticated “digital denture” removable prosthesis technology. For many patients, digital dentures require less time in the office and produce more durable, comfortable, and attractive results. Book a consultation with The Denture Center today to find out if you are eligible for this exciting new technology!
At The Denture Center, we consider every single patient to be a member of our extended family. Beginning with your free initial consultation, our qualified team will welcome you into our comfortable, warm, and hygienic facility, sit down with you, and ensure you have a fundamental understanding of your treatment options. We promise to proceed only when we’ve identified the ideal treatment solution for your unique circumstances. This inclusive promise extends to aftercare and maintenance: Once a patient? Always a patient.
The Denture Center is committed to explaining your full range of options and identifying the ideal treatment solution that fits within your budget. We accept multiple forms of employee benefits and government assistance, including ODSP and CDCP. What’s more, many convenient services can be performed more quickly than you might expect. Contact us today to learn more.
Meet The Denture Center President
Eric Kukucka, DD
While you would never know it from his friendly demeanor and patient-first approach to his work, Eric Kukucka is a very important figure in the world of denturism.
Eric, who grew up right here in Essex County, is an influential advisor and product tester for some of the largest and most successful dental companies in Canada, the United States, and Europe. When he’s not in the office, Eric frequently delivers keynote presentations and publishes articles about his work for audiences of oral health professionals around the world.
In 2014, Eric became the first denturist in North America to test digital dentures for Ivoclar Vivadent, one of the world’s leading international dental companies. Today, The Denture Center patients enjoy the rewards of Eric’s hard work advancing his field.
Away from his work, Eric is a patron of Special Olympics Ontario and an active member of the WindsorEssex Community Foundation Inspiration 100, an exclusive group of philanthropists dedicated to raising funds for charitable causes in our community.